PLAYMOBIL® Narkosegewehr 30036820
- Artikel-Nr.: 30036820
- Kostenloser Versand ab € 25,- Bestellwert
- Versand innerhalb von 24h*
- 14 Tage Geld-Zurück-Garantie
Das PLAYMOBIL® Narkosegewehr ? ist mit der Produktnummer 30036820 ein Bestandteil u.a. von dem Playmobil Polizei Megaset 5844. Das schwarze Narkosegewehr hinterläßt einen guten Eindruck.
Das Narkosegewehr wird in folgenden Playmobil Sets geführt und kann durch dieses Angebot sehr gut als Ergänzung dienen.
- 3018 Jungle Expedition (Jungle)
- 3097 Adventure - Jungle* (Jungle)
- 3184 Skeleton Excavation Site (Dinosaur Expedition)
- 3190 Police Patrol Boat (Police)
- 3194 Polar researcher with sled (Dinosaur Expedition)
- 3217 Expedition Lodge (Outdoor)
- 3219 Offroad-Pickup (Outdoor)
- 3413 Safari Explorers And Tent (Safari)
- 3464 Snow Survey Crew (Arctic Expedition)
- 3465 Igloo (Arctic Expedition)
- 3466 Kayak And Dog Sled (Arctic Expedition)
- 3529 Transport Cage / Rhino (Safari)
- 3623 Adventure - Police 2* (Police)
- 3910 Eskimo Hunter (Arctic Expedition)
- 4022 Police Van (Police)
- 4023 Police Van (Police)
- 4057 Treehouse (Outdoor)
- 4081 Mega Safari Set (Safari)
- 4207 Forest Lodge (Farm)
- 4208 Ranger's Post (Farm)
- 4218 Police Carrying Case (Mini Sets)
- 4429 Police Boat (Police)
- 4448 Coast Guard Boat (Police)
- 4693 SWAT Officer (Special)
- 4826 Wild Life Care Station (Safari)
- 4832 Ranger's Vehicle with Rhino (Safari)
- 4839 Adventure Truck (Adventure)
- 4842 Treasure Temple with Guards (Adventure)
- 4843 Treasure Hunter's Camp with Giant Snake (Adventure)
- 4844 Treasure Hunter's Amphibious Truck (Adventure)
- 4845 Treasure Robber's Boat with Cannon (Adventure)
- 4878 Robo-Gangster Truck (Adventure)
- 5004 Forest Mega-Set (Farm)
- 5013 Police Station (Police)
- 5014 Dinosaur Assortment (Adventure)
- 5236 Transport Vehicle with Baby T-Rex (Adventure)
- 5286 Spy Team Command Vehicle (Adventure)
- 5290 Headlight with Spy Team Agent (Adventure)
- 5299 Take Along Police Station (Police)
- 5557 Adventure Tree House (Outdoor)
- 5689 Take Along Police Station (Police)
- 5700 Police Patrol Boat (Police)
- 5746 Treehouse small (Outdoor)
- 5754 Croc Boat (Outdoor)
- 5764 Special SWAT Team Police Helicopter (Police)
- 5786 Police Boat (Police)
- 5844 Mega Police Set (Police)
- 5891 Carrying Case Police (Police)
- 5898 4-wheel-drive w/kayak & ranger (Outdoor)
- 5907 Ranger`s hut (Safari)
- 5915 Police Car (Police)
- 5922 Safari Combination Set (Safari)
- 5990 Port Guard (Police)
- 9043 SWAT Set (Police)
- 9407 Monster Truck with Alex and Rock Brock (Super 4)
- 9429 Hidden Temple with T-Rex (Adventure)
- 9435 Luftkissenboot mit Unterwassermotor (Adventure)
Achtung: Nicht für Kinder unter drei Jahren geeignet / enthält verschluckbare Kleinteile / Erstickungsgefahr.
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Farbe: | Schwarz |
Kategorie: | Figuren Zubehör |
Eigenschaft: | Einzelteil |
Themenwelt: | Polizei, SEK |
KM003/003/001 (Gebraucht)